Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Sustainability--- The Buzz Word

We all hear this word Sustainability like chanting in the temple nowadays. Many words have combined this word and made some new terminologies. Sustainability ---Engineering, Design so on and so forth. The context I am referring here is, as most of does, in the Environmental Sustainability.
So, what is the Environmental Sustainability to me? I had heard a twelve year old girl in the UN Earth Summit saying "If you do not know how to fix it, Do NOT Spoil it." Or like Mr. Mike Hagentobler (VP, Halliburton) said the other day, "Developing today without compromising with the future."
Simpler the definition it may seem, more complex is its Implementation. The world today is facing a big challenge of Eco-system disturbances caused by us. It is the Environment which is giving its reply to the damages we have done to it. However, let us not get into the causes of it. But this phenomenon has made us think a lot on Sustainability of the Environment.
To achieve sustainability utilization of resources is the key. "Emergy", as it is nowadays pronounced, refers to the EMbodied enERGY. At the outset it means that energy that can be given back to the system in order to make utilization better.
I will be posting some of the good articles on Sustainability and Related topics in due time. Till then do tell me what you think of it.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Lets make things Better!

We (and that includes me, without saying) have a very peculiar habit of criticizing our surroundings. We are so in love of Idealism, that we always find complaints in it. Always asking for more and not realizing what we have, has been our mentality.

Enough of Pessimism, I need to resolve something from above now. Let me make the surrounding better by not letting the Negativism into me. I will try and use the resources I have and then ask for more.

Phew! Enough for the first time, I'll update my initiatives in the due time.